Sovereign Christ Church
. . . every tongue shall confess Jesus Christ is LORD

Get to Know Us
Sovereign Christ is a Reformed, Covenantal, and Family-integrated church in Mansfield, Ohio. Sovereign Christ Church began meeting for worship in May 2006 in the homes of member families. Our pastor, Clint Zeigler, is a founding minister of Sovereign Christ Church, and he has faithfully served in that position since June 2006. He is an ordained elder within the Federation of Reformed Churches. As of October 2019, we are a member of the Augustine Presbytery of the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches.
As a congregation, we seek to have a teachable spirit as God continues to mature, shape, and mold our individual and corporate identity as a unique part of Christ’s universal Church. You may find some of our core values below and in the “About" link in the banner near the top on this page.
We see these values as our gift of service in the advancement of the universal Church of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our distinctive views are not intended to limit the bounds of our fellowship nor the unity that we feel with all other Christians within Christ’s Church worldwide.

Our Values
As a congregation of Christ’s servants we seek to honor Him by seeking first the realization of His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. In the noble tradition of the Berean Christians (Acts 17:10-11) we pray that God will always grant us a teachable spirit as we also use the Old Testament Scriptures as a touchstone in our understanding of our life in Christ as His New Covenant people of God. Here are some of the views that make up our congregational identity:
Covenant Renewal Worship:
We believe Scriptural worship is also a weekly renewing of our covenant relationship with God. Our services include:
1) a call to worship,
2) confession of sin,
3) assurance of forgiveness,
4) responsive Bible reading,
5) the teaching of God’s Word, and
6) we partake of the Lord’s Supper (Communion) each week.
We conclude our worship as the minister pronounces a blessing in Christ’s name upon all God’s faithful saints. Throughout our service we delight in hearty and boisterous singing of Psalms and Scriptural hymns of praise.
Covenantal, Calvinistic & Reformed:
We believe that the Lord our God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) is sovereign. Therefore Christ’s rule rightfully extends over every atom and every aspect of His creation.
We believe that the absolute rule and predestinating plan of God is fully compatible with His revealed love toward mankind in Christ, because:
a) the Bible clearly states both, and
b) that is how we can see the mystery of God’s covenant grace unfold through time in the Biblical record.
Just as Abraham was required to demonstrate his loyalty to God’s revealed plan to sacrifice Abraham’s only son Isaac, so we are also called to demonstrate our loyalty to our loving and sovereign God knowing full well that His ways are above our understanding and His love for us is unfailing. That kind of loyalty is the heart of true biblical faith.
Victorious Gospel:
Jesus Christ died so that the world would be saved from the evil, corruption, disease, and death that resulted from man’s sin and rebellion to God’s will on earth. Because Christ is raised from the dead, even so over time all of God’s creation will also be restored through the faithful proclamation and living-out of the “Gospel Lordship” of Jesus Christ.
We Christians are called to be Spirit-led builders and co-workers in the re-establishment of God’s righteous kingdom on earth. To that end we seek to lead all nations to the obedience of faith in Him. We are not called to escape or abandon the created world, but rather to show the beauty and bounty that results from a Godly caring and restorative dominion over it. We do not place our hope in a future rapture. Rather we look forward to the return of Christ to earth as the welcomed and acknowledged rightful King over all of His creation. A victorious gospel means that Christ will return to a gospel-restored earth that was previously “paradise lost”… to the eternal glory of God. This view is sometimes referred to as the Postmillennial view.
Family Integration:
We believe it is important for families to worship God together as families. We encourage all children to participate with the adults in praise, fellowship, and communion (paedocommunion) as one body in Christ. We avoid age segregated worship, and strive to conduct our services so that everyone may participate.
Christian Education:
We see the family as being responsible for the education of their children. We encourage and are supportive of home and classical Christian education. God calls us to be faithful from one generation to the next, and He commands us to raise our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. All education is inescapably religious. As a congregation, we strive to support and equip parents for this great responsibility whatever their circumstances.

Our Leaders

Clint Zeigler

Kyle Robbins
Get Involved
Join Us In Our Kingdom Work

Welcome Garden
Contact Nicole McFadden
CASA Volunteer Advocate

Prison Ministry
Contact Clint Zeigler
Service Times and Location
We meet each Sunday for corporate worship at 10:30 a.m., with a fellowship lunch following the service. All are welcome!
We often have Sunday School at 9:30, but not every week, so please call ahead if you are not on our email list.
371 Central Avenue
Mansfield, OH 44905


Scriptures for the Week
This link takes you to this Sunday's scriptures at the Vanderbilt Revised Common Lectionary site.
This link takes you to the daily scripture readings at the Vanderbilt Revised Common Lectionary site. Once there, you may click on any day to go to the reading or hear it read aloud to you.
For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.
Habakkuk 2:14